Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wee Bee The first plane small plane in the world

The first plane to be so titled was known as the Wee Bee.

The diminutive plane was designed, built, and flown by Ken Coward, William Chana, and Karl Montijo in San Diego, California, during the late 1940s. Just over 14 ft (4.25 m) long and with a wingspan of only 18 ft (5.5 m), the Wee Bee was powered by a 30-hp piston engine and could carry a maximum of 200 lb (90 kg), including the pilot and fuel. Weight was kept to a minimum by having the pilot lay in a prone position atop the fuselage


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cricri small plane, passion!

André has 17 years to accomplish his dream. The twin-engine manufacture the lightest and the smallest in the world: cricri.
The last 5 minutes of aerobatics is impressive.

Docu : Cricri petit avion, grande passion!
Uploaded by grandom2

Friday, October 31, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cricri aircraft with jets engine

Noted French pilot Nicolas Charmont has installed 2 AMT Olympus
turbines in his Cri Cri together with AMT on-board automatic
start-up units and individual EDT's.
The Cri Cri weighs 170 Kg, and should have enhanced
performance withover 36 Kg of thrust available.

The Cri Cri has made his maiden flight in the weekeind of 7-8 March.
Top speed at this flight was 240 km/hour (150 mph). Flying with
only one engine the speed is still 160 km/hour (100mph).

More info :

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